Monthly Archives: September 2024

Easy on the Wheel (Power Steering)

Steering a vehicle these days doesn't take much effort, but if you got behind the wheel back before power steering was invented, you'd need to practically have the strength of Hercules to turn the wheel.    The first power steering systems widely available changed everything.  Chrysler introduced its Hydraguide power system in 1951. The "hydra" was for a hydraulic pump. It pressurized fluid that multiplied the force applied to the steering wheel so it was easier to turn the wheels on the ground. That pump got power from a belt attached to the engine, but unfortunately it wasted a lot of energy in the process. Plus, the system of hoses and pumps required a fair amount of maintenance and repair. Some say this system provides the most "natural" steering experience of power systems. Recently, automakers have turned to electric power steering.  It gets its power from the car's electrical battery and charging system and uses an electric motor to turn the wheels.  Sin ... read more



Why did my vehicle fail its emissions test?

We all want to breathe clean air and keep our planet green.  One of the ways to do that is by requiring all vehicles with internal combustion engines to pass an emissions test.  That’s because these vehicles can be big polluters.   Everyone wants their car to pass the test so they can continue their day-to-day driving routine.  But then comes that one day when they tell you your vehicle has failed.  Why does that happen? One of the most common reasons is that your gas cap is leaking or loose (or maybe you don’t even have one on your vehicle!).  The gas cap is supposed to seal in vapors, but sometimes its seals or gaskets dry out or crack. Replace it, and you’re good to go. Another common reason your vehicle failed the test is that your catalytic converter isn’t doing its job. It is supposed to convert toxic gases from your engine into ones that don’t pollute the air.  There are many reasons the catalytic converter may not ... read more



Bump in the Road (Alignment)

There's something you can do that helps your tires last longer, wear more evenly and your vehicle handle better.  "Sign me up," you say! Wondering what that is? It's aligning your wheels, and it will literally point you in the right direction when it comes to a better and safer driving experience. When your vehicle was designed, the engineers made sure your tires were all pointing the same way by designing the suspension to make optimal contact with the road. That way the ride is smooth, you don't feel vibrations or shimmying and your vehicle travels in a straight line, without pulling to one side or the other. Unfortunately, your vehicle is not brand new; time and distance take their toll.  After hitting countless bumps, potholes, or the occasional curb, your suspension gets knocked a little out of kilter.  Those precise angles the engineers planned on for your vehicle? They get out of whack Uneven or premature tire wear is one of the first signs your alignment may be o ... read more


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