Wheel Bearing Service
When the wheel bearings on your car or truck are in need of expert auto repair service in the New London and Wilmot area, think no further than Walker Automotive. Our expert, ASE-Certified auto mechanics are familiar with the wheel bearing assemblies of virtually every car and truck on the road today. And if they’re not, they have online resources that maintain an enormous database of information. That means they can quickly and efficiently pinpoint the problem with your vehicle’s wheel bearings and get them repaired so you can get back to your busy life.
If our auto mechanics need to keep your car for wheel bearing auto repair, we’ll be glad to give you a ride to work or home in the New London/Wilmot area in our complimentary shuttle or let you use one of our four loaner cars. Sometimes, you might not have to wait that long for auto repair, so we maintain a clean, comfortable waiting area where you can plug into our free WiFi and enjoy complimentary refreshments while waiting for our auto mechanics to sort out your wheel bearing repair.
Our customer service is unparalleled in the New London and Wilmot area. Just check out what this long-time customer had to say:
“Wonderful service. They finished the work quickly and made honest recommendations regarding my alignment. The waiting room was cleaner than most doctors offices. You can't find better service or integrity than Walker Automotive.” -- R.J.B.
So if you require wheel bearing service in the New London and Wilmot area, your best choice is the auto mechanics at Walker Automotive. For added peace of mind, you’ll be happy to know that Walker Automotive backs up every auto repair such as suspension service with a 3-year/36,000-mile warranty. It simply doesn’t get any better than that. Schedule an appointment online or call (603) 727-4367. Walker Automotive is located at 3 Deerwood Drive, Wilmot, NH 03287.