Spring is in the air, and while there are many lovely wonders this time of year, the rodents are on the prowl and often find a warm nesting spot under the hood of your vehicle. Yikes! The culprit could be mice, rats, squirrels, and more. Regardless of their cute factor, when they get inside your vehicle and start snacking on your wiring system or worse, not only will you be inconvenienced by not being able to make that meeting on time, but can end up with a significant auto repair bill you were not expecting. Neither one is fun.
If you are wondering why rodents would even want to snack on wiring, it’s because they are often made out of soybean-based materials. Automakers also use other food-based materials such as corn, rice husks, wood, and other sugar-based food. Yum! They are a tasty treat for hungry critters. Even bunnies have been known to snack on these. In 2013, Denver International Airport made headlines thanks to the rabbits who invaded the airport parking lots for warmth and food right under the hoods of countless vehicles. The problem is real, people.
The rodents come for warmth and then stay to fill their little bellies. They also have incisors that continually grow and always need to be ground down. They have an inherent need always to be gnawing on something, and your wires are just as good as anything else. The other problem, especially with mice and rats, is that there is never only one. If you’re not careful, you can have an entire brood living, gnawing, and feasting on the luxury your vehicle provides.
The pros at Walker Automotive recently reported seeing the worst ever rodent damage with many customers bringing their vehicles into them to replace and rewire the damaged areas or worse. The cost to customers has often been several thousand dollars, and it is something that can be avoided.
The good news is that the highly trained auto technicians at Walker Automotive can install an electronic device that is the best way to keep mice away from your vehicle. The team has installed a bunch of these electronic devices and they help prevent damage and inconvenience to our customers. Before you fall victim to these evil (yet extremely cute) little creatures, get in to see us. We would much rather that than see your vehicle brought in via tow truck! Make your appointment today.